Privacy Policy
Your data is yours. But also a little bit mine
while you are on my site.
I take that very seriously
I will never ever ever willingly sell, give away or share anybody's data. The data collected by this site stays on this site and may be used only to improve the site's experience, content, and advertising options.
How is data collected here?
This website is built on Wix.
Wix uses cookies as explained here.
Google Analytics 4 is also connected to this website.
Data collected may be used to sell advertising space. To be clear, the aforementioned data does not mean personal information like your name and address (which by the way, would only be among this website's data if you've typed it in) but rather the notion that you, individual xyz, seem to have taken time to read articles about xyz or clicked on xyz, which could mean you are interested, for example, in marketing.
If you want to learn more about cookies
Wix recommends this resource, which is thorough.
I talk about cookies on my old podcast, Clickbait & Switch, especially in week 6's episode and week 10's episode.